As I am writing this post, I feel like a granny! You know what’s a matter with kids today? Is not how I want to start this discussion.
BUT grammar, semantics and the way kid’s with reading difficulties learn it is the problem.
Here are the reasons:
The fake way we teach kids grammar doesn’t work for every kid. Remember all those workbooks or long writing assignments?
Grammar instruction takes a back seat to teaching foundational reading skills. A kid that struggles with reading needs extra practice and time to catch up. So then they need triple the time to practice grammar and writing.
Kids that struggle with reading do not pick up on good grammar and notice sentence construction from just reading a text. Like even I can not write a poem because I read a poem. That is what we expect.
Kids that struggle with reading don’t pick up on the fact that different text structure uses different grammar rules.
There is nothing in the middle. Kids write informal text messages to friends and read badly written internet information. Or then they hit high school, kids have to write lab reports like a scientist or sonnets like Shakespeare.
So how do we fix it?
Make sure that if your kid struggles with reading check and see if they struggle with grammar and writing. This is more than just word level spelling.
Make sure grammar instruction is direct explicit. Also make sure this type of instruction does not end when your kid gets older. Writing problems can linger and develop at anytime.
Make sure kids practice grammar and semantics in a real and relevant way.
If you like the answers to these questions and need the answers to more comment below. Follow me on Facebook and YouTube.
Thanks for reading!
Melissa Saliva
Reading Consultant
Beacon Valley Literacy Services