Pay Attention Part 1 95% of the parents I work with have said something along the lines of,“Well, if he just paid attention his reading will improve.” They have also
Effort, Motivation, and Ability.
Don’t Confuse Effort and Motivation with Ability! Effort, motivation, and ability applies to all kids. Everyone naturally performs better when they are motivated. Every student deserves the instruction that feeds
Parents Just Want Their Babysitters Back
Surfing the internet during a pandemic means negativity sells. Here is the latest on the strained relationship between schools and parents. “Unaware their live-streamed meeting was public, members of the
Staying Back to Move Ahead
Should my kid stay back? Should my kid stay back? It’s that time of the year, the end of the year. Many students have not got what they needed due
Hail Mary-The Reading Pass
3 Tips to Make Sure Your Kid is Game Ready In honor of the Super Bowl, here’s the analogy-Hail Mary pass and older kids that struggle with reading. According to