The More the Merrier?


There are three main reasons why there are so many people at your Special Education Meetings.

  1. Attendance is mandatory by law. The meetings include administrators, service providers, and parents or guardians. Even the student can attend when they are old enough. Take notes, ask questions, and record these meetings. Each person should introduce themselves at the meeting as well. Feel free to ask each participant how well they know your child. Especially when they are involved in making big decisions like outplacement, planning, and programming.

  2.  The participants should be your child’s service providers. Mostly all of these participants will provide reports, data, and information about your child. They will present strengths and weaknesses, current educational plan, and other information. These reports and information paint a picture of your child’s performance at school. Make sure that these professionals work together. They need to collaborate so their services make the biggest impact.

  3. Contentious Meetings. This last reason is when you do not agree with your child’s educational programming. You see limited educational outcomes. You do not have confidence in the school district’s ability to support your child. In this instance you may be bringing a lawyer or an advocate. The school district will also come prepared with a lawyer or administrator too. Make sure each participant hears your voice. They understand your intentions and represent your child’s best interest.

Overall, “the more the merrier,” is true. It leverages better services, a better understanding of your child, and contributes to their educational goals. Stay calm, listen, take notes, and be the best advocate for your child. Remember your role as a parent is the most important!

Melissa Saliva is a Reading Consultant and founder of Beacon Valley Literacy Services. She helps parents help kids with Dyslexia.