Different Types of Reading

Different Types of Reading

There are different types of reading and understanding these will help you and your kid.

Kids with reading problems need all these different types of reading to become a good reader. These different types need to be present both at school and in your home.

It is a balancing act with some of these types of reading weighing heavier.

Shared reading. Read side by side, shoulder to shoulder with your kid. Your kid should read all the words they can easily read and words that follow predictable patterns. You should read all the words that are hard to pronounce and the words that have difficult patterns. You and your kid should take turns reading paragraph by paragraph or page by page.

Reading for Information. Have your kid read directions and read to find the answers to questions your kid asks you.

Model reading. Model reading is you as the model for good reading. No matter how old your kid is do not stop reading to them. Kids that have reading problems do not get the humor, suspense, and parts of the story that make you want to read it.

Controlled reading-Kids spend a lot of time reading at their level in school. Controlled reading is stories with words that have mostly predictable patterns.

Interest reading. Kids read books about their interests. Introduce your kid to as many ideas, topics, and books as you can. Find as many books on their favorite topics that you can find.